Monday, February 21, 2011

A LONG Winter break

I've been terrible about keeping up with this blog. Originally I envisioned doing posts that would show off this region of central Massachusetts. I still hope to do that but getting the pictures for each post is proving challenging.  I thought having both kids in school would give me more time. I forgot to reckon with my "paying" job! Oh well, it'll get done - eventually.

Halloween Fun!

My daughter's creations

 In the meantime, I spent several months contemplating needed revisions for She's Mine and with the help of my wonderful critique partners the story has turned a corner. It was good before, even if I'm biased in saying so, but now it's on the way to being great. I've also spent time since last May doing critiques for those same partners - being just as tough on them as they are on me. LOL! And I'm helping my pastor polish his YA novel ~ can't wait to announce that one when it's published. His daughter is doing some B&W internal illustrations. I'm excited to see her work, too.
Fall lingered long

Moonlight in December

A skim of ice on the lake

Like most of the country, we've been having a dousy of a winter here in the northeast. Haven't had this much snow in about 15 years. In fact, we possibly have had more snow this year than in the past 10 combined! Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration. At least we're in the country and have places to push, pile or haul the snow away to...not like NYC. Boy, they just can't handle it down there in the Big Apple. One of my critique partners (and partner in crime!) lives in the NYC area and she's had to put up with it all. I'm grateful to live in the middle of nowhere!
North Street, looking north
Woodland Ave

Tractor comes in handy!

At least the kids have plenty of snow for fun!

I'll try to be more faithful about updating this blog site. We had some interesting things happening over the fall and winter that will make nice articles highlighting life in small town New England. And please - THINK SPRING!

To see how our greenhouses and perennials weather the winter see the photo gallery at the Inishowen Farms website.